The Time Travelers
Everything we experience is an aspect of who we are, and so, on a fundamental level, our perception creates our reality. Over a hundred years ago, Einstein redefined how we perceive and therefore experience space and time. His observations led us to the idea that each of us experiences our reality relative to our perception of it. By opening this door, a door to a new perception of reality, Einstein paved the way for the birth of quantum physics; a strange new dimension/ lens for humanity to observe their reality through. Quantum physics reveals to us that the building blocks of our reality is a field of unlimited possibilities which we collapse into a determined material reality through our observation of it. A new consciousness has developed in which we do not see ourselves as separate from our environment, rather, our observation of the environment is an essential element to its very existence.
Open your mind
to the possibilities, explore your reality from a new vantage point and leap into the rabbit hole as you are immersed into a journey which will expand your awareness of your reality and redefine who you are with respect to it. Come to understand how your perceptions create your reality and how your feeling of being separate from your experience is an illusion. Discover what space and time are and how you are the one creating them; master the art of letting go of cause and effect and invoking a greater will; start looking beyond material reality and learn to connect with the field which organizes it; understand the science which supports this new way of interacting with your environment; and move beyond your identification with your body and mind so that you may free yourself of their limitations.

Developed from a lifetime
of observation and learning from humanities most powerful shamans, mystics and masters for over a decade; this book attempts to bring awareness to this door within our own consciousness; a door we are being asked to walk through at this time in human history, so that we may leave our old perceptions behind and start consciously observing our lives into reality from the awareness that we are limitless, that we have free will, and that we are One.
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