The Eternal Requiem

An empty cry for none to hear
They shrivel up when death is near
My life it blooms inside this fear
This endless ringing in my ear

They’ve gone to sleep until tomorrow
I stay awake and drink the sorrow

A sunbeam wakes the morning song
My essence fills an endless dawn

They jabber about their busy day
I gather my will and clear the way

Opinions heard, they all disagree
My choices show the way to free

They plan and scheme their holidays
I’m living mine in all my days

They setup for a quick escape
I embrace my death, I seal my faith

They’re drowning in the crashing wave
My vision clear in this octave,

this requiem whose melodic tones humble and shake them all, my life blood, my heart beat, my breath, all which I am

I wait for you to come to me, for where you are I cannot be.

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