Living without Expectation or Preconception
I live without expectation and preconception. What does this mean?
I have a mastery for finding potential and opening it up through observation. I am not boasting, I merely know what I am good at, and that which I am not. Because of this skill, I have a myriad of potential avenues (relationships) in which to explore myself and the universe through experience. I call these Windows. Windows are created when there is mutual engagement in relationship through experience. Relationships are not only with other humans but with everything in experience.
When a light turns on in a Window in my life, I am drawn to investigate that relationship. Within this exploration we discover each other and create a unique experience through our comingling. When the light of engagement turns off, I simply move to a new window whose light of engagement entices my curiosity. This is living without expectation. I engage a Window to honor the relationship, not to receive feedback. I do not sit by a dim Window as I understand there is a reality which exists on the other side of the window which needs to grow and evolve organically without my interference. Should I poke a dim Window for engagement for my own gain, I usurp its free will and feed into the illusion of permanence. I have no illusion of permanence, perhaps the Windows light of engagement will come back on, perhaps it won’t. Should the light of engagement come back on, I will engage in the relationship with the curiosity to rediscover the other, as I do not know what has been transpiring on the other side of the window. This is my gift to relationship, to always engage the other without preconception, always rediscovering the other, the self, and the relationship as through it were brand new.
Because I do not sit by dim Windows, when I am engaged, the other has me fully, my entire being is in engagement of the development of relationship. This is also my gift to relationship, to be so fully emersed in it that I am entangled within experience. Should you engage with me, you have all of me. Also, if you open a Windows with me, my energy is always within that Window, so you are always with me; I can feel what transpires on the other side of the window in my life and I give it attention on my side of the window. Should you turn the light on to engage with me, I then give you my time and we can investigate relationship, individuality, and universe together.
Opening many Windows in your life gives you freedom. When the light in a Window is dimmed, most are left waiting and feeling in lack because their engagement gives them no feedback. When your life is littered with Windows, you always have a light to explore and it is always a brand new experience. Should there not be any Windows with lights on, it is time to look for potential which is trying to make its way to the surface of your life. This is living without expectation or preconception. This is living without manipulation or attachment, honoring free will, and allowing for change and growth.
For me, this is not conceptual, it is how I perceive my experience and therefore live my life. While others may have a fullness in their life in activities and events, the fullness of my life is different. The fullness of my life comes within the depth of meaning, purpose, discovery, and exploration within one engagement, the engagement of experience, the engagement of this moment.
Sometimes Windows disappear. This happens when potential is exhausted and many times because the awareness which wished to be birthed through a relationship has been brought to the surface. In these cases grief and loss act as the shears which prune the tree of my life, skillfully removing that which is no longer viable. When you haven’t sat at a dim Window and attached to it, grief is felt more like gratitude, the gratitude for an engagement which turned into a relationship which has woven a new awareness within the fabric of your life. In this way, Windows don’t disappear, they are integrated. Loss then yields to integration, and you begin to notice the awareness which was birthed from the Window, which is now closed, colors every other Window in your life.
Live free and let others live free and you are rewarded with new and novel experiences with profound depth in every moment.