Feeling Love Being Love
Life is to be experienced, but few people experience it directly. Humans live their lives in a story, one which is constructed through illusionary concepts of the mind. We create an identity and become separate from our experience. All we experience is framed in the story of our identity and therefore our very experience is stripped of its most profound and loving meaning. I wish people understood this. This is the mechanism which keeps us divided, which has us believing we do not share an intimate bond with one another, that we cannot merge with our experience and each other, and fall in love to every moment. The idea that we need to frame all our experiences within this story removes us from our relationship with life.
Everything in story is defined. Relationships are predetermined; a friendship, an acquaintance, a stranger, a lover. We then interact within the context of our story. In our experience with “stranger”, we cannot feel love and intimacy. We rob ourselves of love in every moment because our story makes the blooming of love only possible in the most narrow of circumstances. I wake up each morning and commune with the rising sun. There is a deep love between us as I yield myself to it and it yields itself to me; we share experience as one. Humans are so afraid to yield their autonomy, they fight fervently to hold their identities defined, by reinforcing boundaries which limit their experience. It is when we yield our autonomy that we may feel love, true unabated love. I do not reserve my love for one person or a handful of people, I share it freely in my experience through the willingness to yield my autonomy to the moment so that I am fully immersed in it, so that I merge with the stranger, with the sun, and we fall in love, so we may share the moment together.
To look into another’s eyes and feel that love, to feel the momentum of life between you, is something which does not need to be reserved for the select few, it can become a way of life. A life in which we understand that we can swim the waters of experience without having to define or hold onto it, in a way which the fear of losing one’s autonomy is not a factor, as we realize autonomy is but an illusion; we are nothing without our relations.
What would be the makeup of society should to wish to explore the depth of our love for our experience, for each other, within the timeless moment of experience? Who would we become if we chose to relinquish our hardened selves in favor of fanning the flames of the raging intensity of experience which we so obsessively deny ourselves, keeping everything at an arm’s length so our precious identity is not penetrated.
Perhaps someday, we will make the choice to stop denying ourselves the love which always surrounds us and which we can always offer. Perhaps someday we will realize that to offer and receive love is the same thing. Perhaps someday we will realize that our experience is shared, not individualized, and that each experience is an amalgam of the contributions of all engaged. Perhaps when we reach for our coffee, in the moment when our hand and the barista’s hand meet for the handoff, we can allow ourselves to feel the warmth and love which is exchanged in the moment, and smile at each other in recognition of the shared loving experience. Why hold ourselves hostage to the constructs of our story, of societies story of who we are, of humanities story of our behaviors and needs? Can we meet in a place outside of our stories, where the only thing left is a relation without judgement, bias, or expectation? Where we meet in recognition of our love for each other, and we chose not to separate ourselves from it? In this world I live. Perhaps you don’t understand what I speak of. Perhaps you have never shared deep love, gratitude, and awareness with a stranger. Perhaps your heart has never been filled by the moment without a reason in your story to receive it. I don’t know. I ask that you consider bringing that experience into your reality so that we may collectively experience what all humans strive for; to love and to be loved.