Beyond the Masquerade
There is a joy in humanity
Covered up so none can see
It waits patiently
But fear closes us to our intimacy
This pains me deeply
I long for a place where we can all feel free
To give ourselves to each other
I see in you each song cast adrift, this universal melody
Where have we gone
Estranged from our humanity
Entangled in the strangeness of idea
Tripping over useless details
But underneath, a rich tapestry of experience
Begs us to discover it
And engage ourselves to become the center
Of all and none, to rise and fall, swelling up in this place and time
I see you, do you see me?
Perhaps not; look up, I am the hawk in the distance
Dream your way to me and I will embrace you
As I always have, behind the masquerade where you have no face
It’s time to go, you must leave, were you ever here?
A sad goodbye, a lonesome touch
I’d come with you
But it hurts too much