The Offer
Inside each of us lays dormant a matrix of information, waiting to reveal itself to us through experiences which transcend our dogmatic and deterministic idea of ourselves, our environment, and our experience. This information is meaningless on its own; it comes to life in the world, as an extension of ourselves, through our experience. This information exists also within the fabric of the universe, stitched into all experiences everywhere; outside of you it also lays dormant. The coupling of the inner knowledge and outer potential brings both to life, engaged in a beautiful and melodic dance from which a web is spun, a timeline which reorganizes information into new and unfamiliar configurations to be experienced by all.
The degree which we are true to our nature is in direct correlation to the degree to which we activate our universal potential. We live within ourselves through our personal connection to our nature, and we also live outside of ourselves as we begin to breathe life into that same nature inherent within all experience. When we begin to know our nature, the template of information we carry, that which we can spread like a seed, we begin to see ourselves everywhere, in all things. This unique fingerprint, who we are, awakens in the universe through our awareness of it within our personal experience. So we touch the universe of now, then and forever when we know ourselves, each realization of ourselves into the world, each seed brought to life, connects us to all things and non-things.
How many of us take the time to be? To observe our nature within and without? To breathe in life and feel the life we breathe into it? How raw and vulnerable we feel when we illuminate our nature in loving contemplation. How the sights and sounds of our reality begin to bend and twist to our nature. How our fear turns to curiosity, our overwhelm to a sensory amalgam. To taste as we taste. To see as only we can see. To hear ourselves within the sounds of our experience. To know our life is reflected everywhere should we become aware of it.
I grow weary of the search, to find my place in this linear society. This society with no room for true diversity. This quest, I put to an end. The world, so uninterested in the illumination of the universe, has assembled a reality whose only purpose is to prop up the illusion of the separate self. A drama without meaning. A predictable drama devoid of life, devoid of exploration. A drama which continues as long as conflict is never resolved. So I have committed myself to the only pursuit I see as worthwhile, the discovery of my nature in the universe, in the hope that it will activate with such energy that society will bend and fold around its depth and meaning.
Long ago I asked myself, if a brilliant artist painted the most astounding and awe-inspiring painting the world has ever seen, and proceeded to burn it before anyone saw it, would it have made a difference? I have been obsessed with this question. Can a spectacular life unobserved or not understood have an impact on the world? Now I know. These questions were based on false assumptions, the assumption that our nature only lives within us. The masterpiece brought to life by the genius is done so through the coupling of the inner nature with the outer potential passed through the framework of experience. The beauty of the masterpiece is the realization that in the inner and outer nature are one and the same. We bring our nature to life in the universe through being who we are. This nature colors everything in all experience and without experience, in the deep well of life.
So I lay the sands of time at the shore
to be tossed by the tide
to be indifferent, only to be moved by universal forces
to long nights and short days
reborn with each swell
each collapse
each life which comes to pass
tossed by the breath of all sentience
And I lay down as well. I am no more.
to open myself to an expansive life
to touch the universe
to raise the master
from the grave of regret
from the life without vision
surrendering my life
surrendering my will
surrendering my self
becoming that which will never been seen but is all encompassing
Falling in love with each moment
my heart torn and without bounds
reaching to infinite depths
broken and whole, lifted and freed
surrendered and exposed
offered for all, given away, to you.
I offer myself to you.