The Resurrection… every week
I have a unique relationship with my son. In my travels, on my journey, in the shadows and under the lights, I have never experienced the quality of relationship as I do with him. Ours is a union based in transformation, rooted in death, and expressing in rebirth. As Easter approaches, it has me reflecting on a relationship which transcends any kind of traditional formula, but rather is nested in the deep recesses of universal consciousness itself.
Our relationship is a dance. Sometimes he is the light, and I am the dark. Other times I am the light, and he is the dark. Sometimes I am the sun, and he is the moon. Other times he is the sun, and I am the moon. In the drama of life, we are polarized; we are different and individualized. But underneath, we understand that light only shines as darkness recedes, and darkness only envelopes space as light yields to its advance. So, on the surface, we are very different, “the self” expressing itself as polar opposites, light vs darkness; but underneath, together we modulate our advancements and retreats so the light can shine, and the darkness can envelop. In this space, it doesn’t matter who is the light and who is the darkness, here we are interchangeable, we are “we” which governs our will to the benefit of both light and dark. Underneath there is no difference between either, as they are only different expressions of a single unified awareness. Once acceptance of unification is achieved, this is when we switch. Now in the drama I an light and he is darkness.
And so, the drama unfolds, with the dance underneath always moving to find equilibrium. Each awareness and subsequent choice brings coherence to the system and eventually it becomes evident, even in the drama of 3D, that that which we experienced as polarized is in fact unified and indistinguishable. This is when is becomes evident that although we are sovereign and autonomous, there is also an “us” which is also sovereign and autonomous. There is always an “I” in the “we”, and always a “we” in the “I”. And here is where our relationship becomes even more unique. Once light and darkness are unified, our universe collapses, like a supernova. A giant black hole forms which churns and eviscerates all matter into pulp and spits it out into the creation of a new universe, a universe which is less polarized; one which is profoundly grateful to the universe who yielded its life so that it may be born.
And as the universe crumbles and is reborn, I am death and he is life; I am life and he is death. Again, the forces of the universe set us apart in our isolation, in our defined and separate selves, so that we may discover each other again, as new selves in our supportive cocooned universe. And underneath, a new “we” is emerging from our awareness of it, and again we will dance the cycle of division and unification, of expansion and contraction, of life and death.
Over the past 3 years, we have danced. Thursday begins our journey and by Sunday we are reborn; a new universe born every week. I have come to realize that this dynamic is true of every relationship, with other living beings, with our environment and with ourselves; but this is the only relationship I have ever engaged in where both parties are moving underneath in full awareness as to the dance of the miraculous, beautiful in our diversity, yet creating from our unification.
For many years I have walked the earth alone. I still walk it alone, but in my journey, I have met a traveler who is a truly kindred spirit, who also walks alone; and in the space between us, universes are born.
It is finished.