Anxiety From A Different Perspective
Written by – Jackson Khabra
Mental health is a popular topic these days and rightfully so. Healing ourselves from the onslaught of negative information should be a priority in everyone’s life. Not many people are afforded this opportunity in their demanding lives and a balance is seldom achieved. Being a compassionate human begins with being compassionate with yourself. Setting the stage so that your life reflects your passions and your life’s joys rather than societal expectations is the first step. This act of self-kindness will have a domino effect and inspire others to do the same. Giving yourself permission to rest and be reflective of what you are taking in and what you are putting out gives you the opportunity to evaluate your choices and your state of being.
You see, we all make choices through the filter of our perceptions, and to evaluate our perceptions allows us to make conscious choices rather than reactive ones. How you react to your sensory environment is heavily reliant on how your brain informs you. We can say that considering your nervous system is often overlooked when discussing mental health. So, alignment of your thoughts, your body, and your environment should always be considered in every aspect of your life. You are the arbiter of your destiny; you only need to choose and be committed to it.
Anxiety comes in different forms, but it always is rooted in the fact that your decisions are coming from a place of fear and insecurity instead of following the choices which will lead you to that harmonious alignment you so richly deserve. Mostly, feeling anxious sucks and i totally get that, but you can also say that anxiety gives you an opportunity to make modulations in your alignment by being that spidey sense which tells you something is off. So why not take advantage. Being true to who you are in a world riddled with expectations is not easy. We can say that those of us who become anxious have made the intention of living our lives as our authentic selves a priority.
Don’t judge yourself for having anxiety cause the truth is you are a bad ass superhero fighting the tyranny of so called “normal”.
Really believe that who you are is important enough to make those difficult choices and walk your own unique path.