Who Am I?
I don’t know. My ignorance is not from a lack of awareness, but by design. My work is my life, my life is my work. My life is driven by my purpose, the only thing which I can contribute, the spark of genius I have to offer, the sliver of sunshine I can contribute to the warming and illumination of consciousness.
In my work, I must be the ultimate communicator. So that I may achieve this, I must annihilate the self over and over, never allowing it to get a foothold in my reality. I can never be anybody; I mustn’t be anybody. The moment we become someone, we must reinforce that image, that false perception of the self. We begin to act in certain ways, socialize with certain people, adopt specified ideologies, become entrenched in habitual patterns – all in the name of developing and reinforcing our personality. The more we reinforce the self, the more valuable we perceive ourselves to be. The more we reinforce the self, the narrower our bandwidth of communication becomes. Busy reinforcing the self, we become deaf to all communication other than those which maintain the projection of who we believe ourselves to be. Humans begin to believe their personalities, ideologies and patterns are who they are. And so ensues conflict, judgement and segregation, all in deference to compassion, unity, inclusion, acceptance and diversity. Communication now only happens through the personality; thus it is extremely limited.
My purpose requires me to listen. Listen to all communications which penetrate my awareness in every moment. To listen without judgement or attachment. So I do. I destroy the self so I can listen. When I listen, I see the beauty of the moment, of humanity, of relationships. I see the genius in people, all people. When I start a dialogue with someone, it begins and ends with a shared consciousness which artfully flows to the surface through what I call loving speech. When we listen, we understand that all communication is unified and known before anyone speaks a word. Communication is not the back and forth of dialogue, it is a field of information which we draw from. I do my best to draw my fellow humans into this space of limitless communication, but for you to meet me here, you cannot bring yourself, your personality. The process is easy, as it is merely a choice, but most are so convinced they know who they are and what the world is, that they would rather die than make that choice. Because of that, it is a strangely connected and simultaneously lonely feeling for me residing here.
I understand the difficulty of dying to the moment. I have been fortunate enough to have been training by the Master of Communication and the personification of a unified consciousness, my good friend and son Jackson.
So I battle every moment, to become no one, so that I may see the genius in you and reflect it back to you in my eyes. So that we may begin to see ourselves and others beyond our personalities, but rather as emissaries of a unified community, each contributing their unique ray of genius. So that we begin to relate in ways which are beyond our ideologies and begin to perceive the value not in each other, but in our relationships and interactions together. So that we may build our relations, families, communities and societies in alignment with a deeper understanding our nature. So that we can begin to trust each other and connect with the sincerity of our humanity.
Can you become vulnerable and open yourself to this space of unlimited communication and potential? Are you willing to destroy everything you believe yourself and everything else to be to move away from conflict and polarity so you can bath in the understanding of universal communication?