Space, Time, Movement and The Self
It’s been almost a year since I’ve written in this blog; and yet, the fascinating field of Infinity Physics unfolds still into my awareness, creating a scaffolding of nested timelines in which I project my ever-changing perception of reality. An eloquent metaphor bubbled to the surface this morning which illustrates the fundamental principles which guide Infinity Physics: That our Reality is a projection of our experience through bidirectional information exchange. That Time is the flow of that information through space. That Space is the degree of polarity which that information is expressed/ perceived / experienced. Think of it like this…
Our perception is what creates reality. As individuals, through our perception, we absorb information and reflect/ project other information. So, we are like a color. Although we absorb all information, that which we reflect is what is seen in reality. Everyone reflects different information, as everyone has a unique perspective. So, everyone, through their perception, contributes to the creation of reality, like a color. Without the radiation of the individualized color, that color disappears from the pallet which paints all of our universe. Genius is described as an abundance of intelligence, creativity, or other special characteristic. Through the focused reflection of our genius (color), we permeate our genius throughout the universe.
Time moves our genius into the canvas of space. Time is a brush stoke which merges and stretches all color into a living landscape of experience. The more time, the larger the landscape, and the less the detail. Less time creates shorter brush strokes which take up less space and provides more detail and intimacy.
We can also look at time as a spinning surface in which the outsides spin slower and the inside very quickly. As the paint of our genius is dropped in the middle, it stretches the paint out through centrifugal force, stretching and blending the paint more and more as it moves its way to the outside.
The more colors shine, the more animated our reality. One color is used to express many different geometries within the motion of time and all colors are blended to create everything in our universe.
Imaging we lived in a world where everyone recognized their genius, rather than a few every 100 years; the few who believed so much in their perception that it painted a masterpiece on the canvas of reality. Imagine everyone saw that they harnessed this potential. What a world we would live in. A world of limitless possibilities and a rich and vivid landscape of color permeating our reality.