Imaginings and Dreams
Dreams are made of light and speak in words. We relate to our dreams through a sensory experience. We shape our dreams within the limitations of their framework and hold onto parts of them to keep them flowing into the future of a fabricated linear time continuum. This is true for all dreams: day dreams, night dreams and the ultimate dream we call our reality (our personal dream).
Imaginings are in the shadows and speak to us in whispers. We cannot experience imaginings through the senses, we can only hear its whispers and become curious of the darkness from where it stems. When we move into the shadows, we merge with our intentions and fall asleep.
When we wake up, they are manifest in our formed dream of light and sound.
So, instead of holding onto your dream; live it, then let it go so you can move into the space of imaginings and fall asleep. Then you can awake in your new dream and experience it, never recycling a static existence into the future.
Lather, Rinse, Repeat
When we connect with the intentions enfolded with the shadows and we wake up, the awareness which was received through this process of death and rebirth becomes illuminated within our personal dream reality. Something else happens though, this awareness is also illuminated within the collective dream as they are the same thing when observed from a unified vantage point. Because this awareness is illuminated in the collective dream it is also illuminated in each “individuals” personal dream. However, don’t expect they will see this awareness with the same reference points as you do, as the illumination is formed based on how we have framed each of our personal dreams.
What I am saying is that as anyone becomes aware of something, everyone becomes aware of that same thing, just in a different configuration of form in space and time. We are all living the same reality, the same life, the same existence, only we are perceiving it in a different dream. In this sense, language and words are mostly meaningless as a form of communication with others, as they are only what fall out of the awareness in our personal dreams… they only have reference to ourselves, and so every time you speak, you are speaking only to yourself. Every time you become aware of a new and beautiful aspect of who you are, you are speaking to everything in the universe.
This is what is meant by unity, the fact we are One. When seeing reality from this vantage point, we can see that there truly is no separation from each other, our lives, our dramas… we are experiencing the exact same thing, the only difference is that it “falls” out of our collective imaginings in the individualized dreams we believe we live in. You are the flow of this energy and information which creates everything in space and is in fact time. We are the unfolding of our united collective awareness and our awareness is the collapsing of that information into unity (aka the backwards flow of time). When we put attention to both simultaneous flows of consciousness, we experience no time and the stillness of unity, the eternal life which IS.