What is our purpose?
Why are we here? What is our purpose? What is the meaning of life, of our existence?
These questions have been asked by humans around the world for thousands of years, regardless of geographic location, life circumstances, racial profile or political affiliations. Beyond our identification with our personalities, within the context of our carefully crafted life, we all seek to understand who we really are and what our role is within this infinite universe we occupy. How could we, as individual humans, play a significant role in the vastness of the cosmos; after all, we are but mere specs within the never-ending flow of space and time? And so, seeing our insignificance, we retreat back into our comfortably crafted personal reality where we can find meaning and purpose within the trivialities of our daily existence. For some of us however, the question keeps tugging at us, calling us to explore and investigate the deeper purpose for our existence. After all, we are here; do we really exist to answer emails, make money, run errands and watch TV?
In order to answer this question, we must understand what purpose is in the first place. Simply put, purpose is what moves us to action. Before we do anything, think anything, create anything, there exists purpose; the catalyst which initiates action. So, we can say that purpose is that which initiates our will.
In the purely physical sense, your will is the function which generates kinetic energy, to create movement. We do this all day long, use our will in order to move ourselves and other object through space and over the course of time. Within the physical, our primary purpose is to survive and procreate. The mind of the body is always concerned with its survival and replication. Our bodies receive sensory inputs which our brain analyzes and formulates into a response which will give us the best chance at survival and replication. When we are identified as the physical body (we believe that is all we are), our purpose is quite localized; it is only concerned about the immediate environment, creating models based on that environment to predict outcomes, in order to generate a response which will give it optimal chances for survival. We must begin to investigate our actions/ reactions and start becoming aware of how much of our daily routines are sculpted around fulfilling this purpose; to survive. How much attention and energy do you place on this aspect of who you are?
Beyond identification with our physical bodies lies a longing to connect and to unify. Love, friendship, nature, travel, exploration and education. Through these anchors we seek out experiences which bring us closer to our external environment; however from this level of awareness we are searching for connections beyond the physical. The type of connection a mother feels while holding her baby, a man experiences standing atop a mountain at sunrise, the love a young couple come to know as they hold hands on the beach or a farmer who intuits as he smells a handful of soil from his fields. Through these experiences, we are filled with a sense of wholeness which brings us to feel unified with our environment, through a mechanism which is beyond the physical. It cannot be touched or seen, it cannot be substantiated scientifically, it can only be experienced. In these moments we recognize that we are not in-fact separate from everything which we experience, we are intimately connected, projected into space/time as one aspect of a unified experience. Quantum physics shows us in all of its most foundational formulas, that we cannot separate ourselves from our experience and therefore our reality; in fact the observation of our reality is essential to its very existence. It also explains to us that our experience is not localized at all, it is only brought into space and time in order for us to freeze it into what we call reality. Quantum physics bring to our awareness the profound knowledge that we are united before our experience ever materializes within space and over time. What I am saying is that the purpose from this level of mind/ consciousness is to find yourself, beyond the perception that you are just a body, a spec within space and time. The will which drives you to explore, to connect, to be free, is fueled by the deep seeded purpose you have to discover who you really are, by exploring all of these awe-inspiring aspects of yourself which only appear separate through the lens and space and time.
Once you begin to feel connected to a vaster and unlimited consciousness, which you recognize as who you truly are, you are ready to see the incredible beauty which lies within you. You are extraordinary in every respect; we all are. When you start to move your attention and focus your energy into this aspect of who you are, you become alive. When this happens, it is not enough to live in mediocracy and just survive anymore, because you have a deep knowing that you are so much more than that spec in the endless sea of space and time. You start to feel the genius within you. The genius which is within all of us. The genius which has been suppressed through life experiences which have taught you that you were a mere spec, nothing more; and so you forgot that you were a genius. But it lives in you, and, if you let it, it will breath life into you. So now, your purpose becomes clear and your will is moved to a razor sharp focus so that it may execute your deepest and most meaningful purpose; to bring your genius to life. To move beyond fear, beyond your perceived limitations, beyond your environment, your body, your excuses, your victimization, your apathy, your stress, your doubt and shame; so that you may unleash into expression that part of you which is essential to the universe, which will create empires and kingdoms, which will leave a legacy, if you are willing to invest your energy into this purpose, a purpose which will drive your will so that you may transcend all of your conditioning and rise up to your greatness, culminating into an epic creation which is your destiny.
There have been many monumental characters in the world: MLK, Gandhi, Einstein, Chief Seattle, Van Goh, Bach… thousands, millions of people who have brought their genius into the world. Whose gifts have enriched and inspired humanity in a way which is so profound, there are no words I can use to describe it. These people were only different from others in one sense: they recognized their genius and dared to bring it to life; nothing was to stop them from being who they truly were. The gift which is within you belongs to the universe. Your genius will inspire and create masterpieces beyond your wildest dreams. Bring your attention to it and invest in connecting with it, so that it may live out its destiny and be expressed into the world. If you are to be a spec, be a star in the vast sky; part of a tapestry which has inspired worlds to be created.
Discover who you are and find the genius within you; let nothing stop you from bringing that gift, which is you, into the world. Let nothing stop you, for it is your purpose, it’s why you’re here.