True Communication
What is true communication?
I woke up this morning at 5:30 as usual and started working on the website. Immersed in what I was doing, a couple hours went by in the blink of an eye when suddenly I was captured by a ray of sunshine streaming in through the east facing glass door. It pulled at me until I got up and walked to it. Spring is beautiful on the farm and it always warms my heart when the horses decide to come in from the pastures and pay me a visit, as they did on this sunny morning. Lily looked at me, hanging her oversized head over the porch railing, while the other horses grazed on the front lawn. I filled up on coffee, turned on my favorite song and walked outside. Standing just beyond the porch, I felt the warm sun caress my face. I closed my eyes and when I did, I couldn’t tell the difference between where I ended and where the sun began. I felt the warmth and as it consumed me, I also was the warmth, and so I both received from the sun and gave myself to it. This is communication.
I walked over to the duck coop and let them out. As I walked back, a hawk flew overhead and it drew my attention to the vast sky and its effortless flight. I was pulled, by my curiosity of it, to feel its grace, its sense of freedom. As the hawk, I only needed to embody my own nature in order to live as through I had no limitations. And so, as I felt myself becoming the hawk, I also touched the sky and began to merged into its vastness. This is communication.
I walked back towards the horses and paused for a moment, I was attracted by a tree swaying in the wind; it was waving to me. I watched it, so beautiful, so alive. It only needed to stand there and it was whole, without reaching for anything, or without the slightest perceivable effort. Without moving it touched everything. My arms swung out to my sides and I swayed from side to side. The sky and the earth were pulled into me and I sent a pulse back into them, and when I did, it filled me with the wholeness of a tree. This is communication.
I bent down to one knee and closed my eyes. I could hear the horses grazing, feel the warmth of the sun, the vastness of the sky, the rustling of the tree and my own awareness began an interchange between all of these things at once. Overwhelmed, tears rolled down my face as I came to see the beauty which I experienced, the beauty which was in everything, but also which was within me. This is communication.
I shot up and stood tall, filled with such power and will. I yelled a silent scream which I knew was received throughout creation, throughout time and whose vibration took everything I had just experienced and acknowledged it as truth. The reverence and gratitude I came to know when I took away my perception of separation and came to know myself as one. This is communication.
On this day, as I looked upon the world in wonder and awe, I was able to conceive for a moment the simple fact, that this beauty could be an expression of who I am. Today, I saw myself worthy enough to experience who I truly am, never separate from my experience, never alone, always loved, always One.
And so, This is communication.