We only see what we know

- Jackson -The Time Travelers
“Scientists have categorized the universe and everything in it in three categories: matter, dark matter and dark energy. Matter of course is what we can perceive with our five senses in the traditional sense. Matter makes up 4% of our known universe. Dark matter is matter which we cannot perceive with our traditional five senses, however we know it is there because it produces something only matter produces: gravity. Dark matter comprises roughly 27% of our known universe. Dark energy also is not perceivable to us through our traditional five senses, however, we know it is there because it has the property of repulsion. Just as dark matter and matter attract through gravity, dark energy repels and expands. Scientist at this time have no idea what it is and why it exists, and so the many definitions of dark energy are comprised of mostly what it is not. Dark energy comprises roughly 68% of our known universe. Dark energy is the force which is responsible for the expansion and acceleration of the universe. It acts in opposition to gravity and creates space between matter.
Is it possible that we only perceive 4% of our universe (perceivable matter) and filter the rest out? If we experience reality through the filter of the mind and the assumption that we are separate from everything, we can only experience that which is named. As we look upon the universe, we are only experiencing that which is named and therefore that which is already known. Let me explain this further as it is so important in understanding how we must move beyond our traditional linear space\time experience in order to create something new. When we live or experience through the lens of the mind we are limited to its biology. As we experience the world, we create neural networks in the brain which give us reference points for understanding and explaining our experiences. Every time we classify an experience as the same as a past experience, we are strengthening these neural networks and making them more “fixed” in the brain. As we live our lives, we compare our experiences to these networks of neurons in the brain. This “fast tracts” our comprehension and understanding of situations as we can quickly match them with existing neural networks and instantaneously know how we feel or think about our experience and what actions (actually reactions) if any are required. This may seem a beautifully designed system, however, if we are only comparing our experience to neural networks created in the past, we are never experiencing anything new. Our emotions, thoughts and actions are predetermined in the sense that we are only just activating networks in the mind which will create the chemistry to make us feel a certain way about an event, situation, object, etc., therefore leading us to judge our experiences from a mind which we created in the past. When the ancients said that the wise man knows that he knows nothing, they knew that if we are to fully immerse ourselves in an experience, we are to begin from a place which we do not use our minds to analyze that experience; rather we are to use our minds to create from our experience. ”
-The Time Travelers
“Science does not dictate reality; however, science does give us an interesting benchmark as to where our prevailing consciousness sits within our space/time reality. Science is always changing as time progresses and I do find it interesting that some people take science as the gospel as to what is “real” and what is not. Why should we place such importance on something we know will be replaced by a new set of ideas? The “new” science of quantum physics (it’s really over 100 years old now) speaks to the fact that we cannot separate the observer from the experiment which they are observing, and so we are made aware that we cannot really define reality as a whole, but only how we observe it. Science makes observations into the world which we have collectively created with our intentions and perceptions, but as our intentions and perceptions grow, change and evolve, that material reality will change. This is the true reason science is always changing, not because we have better tools or are more perceptive of our world than previous generations, but because our world has changed based on our perceptions of it. So, humanity has dawned an age where we are no longer wanting to be limited by our material environment, we wish to master it through understanding how our intentions, thoughts and perceptions change a malleable reality. Just as we thought the brain was “hard wired” and now we see it is not, we are starting to bring understand that our material reality is also not “hard wired”, it is also fluid and malleable. All of science is showing we are capable of change. Predetermined genetic destinies have made way to the new science of epigenetics and the idea that our genes express differently based on, not only our environment and experience of it, but also based on our thoughts and emotions. So, in the very real sense we are creating a reality where we are recognizing our unconditioned potential and breaking free of the bonds of our perceived limitations. ”
-The Time Travelers